The individuals listed below have successfully completed training with The Carol Gray Center for CST Studies and have asked to be included in this directory.
Practice Info
Patrice has 26 years experience using subtle energy therapies, flower essences and essential oils with her sessions. She is a Certified BodyTalk practitioner and Reiki Master. She does outcall visits to Milwaukie, Sellwood, Clackamas, Oregon City, Portland and Gresham.
Classes Completed with Carol Gray: CST for Infants, Subtle Hands-On Skills, CST – The Basics, CST for Pregnancy Birth & Postpartum, CST for the Cranial Base, Hard Palate & Facial Bones
Categories: Clackamas, Gresham, Milwaukie, Oregon, Oregon City, Portland, Sellwood, USA
Updated 10 months ago.