COVID-19 Safety Protocols

*These protocols are subject to change without notice. Please feel free to reach out to Carol Gray if you have questions or if we have omitted anything you think should be included. The goal is to ensure everyone’s safety.

  1. If you are sick with COVID-19 you may not attend class until at least 5 days after your symptoms develop or at least 5 days after you have a positive COVID-19 test. Day 0 is the first day of symptoms or the day of the first positive test. Day 6 would be the first day on which you would potentially be eligible to attend class. You must also test negative for COVID-19 for two days in a row at least 24 hours apart to be admitted to class after an infection.
  2. All students wear medical grade masks during class except when outdoors, eating/drinking or receiving intra-oral techniques.
  3. We wear gloves and masks when practicing intra-oral techniques.
  4. We have waterproof covers on all memory foam table top pads and pillows used during class. Students sanitize these surfaces between uses. We never use face cradles.
  5. Students are issued their own personal linens to use when they are on a bodywork table.
  6. We have a sink, soap and water and hand sanitizer. We are vigilant about hand hygiene before and after touching each other.
  7. We meet in a 1,000 square foot room with 12 foot ceilings. We use a medical-grade HEPA air filtration system rated for more than twice the actual size of the room. The room has openable windows/skylights.
  8. Snacks:
    A. We require hand-washing/hand-sanitizing before touching snacks or snack-serving utensils.
    B. We require hand-washing/hand-sanitizing before touching the refrigerator.
    C. We have lots of tea choices and a hot-water dispenser on the kitchen sink. All cups and utensils are run through the dishwasher on the sanitizing cycle.
    D. We typically serve fruit (like mandarins or apples), nuts and chocolate for snacks.
    E. We have dishes, glasses and utensils available for student use that are also run through the dishwasher on the sanitizing cycle.
  9. If students develop symptoms of ANY illness during class they will be excluded and given the opportunity to repeat the class at no cost.
  10. If the instructor develops symptoms of ANY illness during class, class will immediately be canceled. Students will be given the opportunity to repeat the class at no cost.


All practitioners and those who accompany an infant to the visit are required to wear medical grade masks during the appointments. We have masks in case you forget yours. Infants are not required to wear masks.

No people who have signs or symptoms of ANY illness will be allowed in the clinic. If you have made an appointment and discover that you or your baby are not feeling well on clinic day, please let us know as soon as possible. We will reschedule your appointment and invite someone from the waiting list.

If you or your baby are sick with COVID-19 you may not attend the clinic until 5 days after symptoms develop or 5 days after you/they have a positive COVID-19 test. Day 0 is the first day of symptoms or the day of the first positive test. Day 6 would be the first day on which you would potentially be eligible to attend clinic. You must also test negative for COVID-19 for two days in a row at least 24 hours apart to be admitted to clinic after an infection.

We are absolutely diligent about hand-washing and other infection prevention procedures such as always wearing masks and wearing gloves when touching babies’ mouths. We have hand sanitizer and soap and water in the clinic. We encourage you to use them. We sanitize chairs, sheets, towels, pillow cases and other things that come into contact with babies after each use.

The treatments take place in a 1,000 square foot room with 12 foot ceilings, openable windows and skylights and a medical-grade HEPA air filtration system rated for more than twice the actual size of the room. Participating families are socially distanced.


All practitioners and people receiving treatments are required to wear medical grade masks during the appointments. We have masks in case you forget yours. Infants are not required to wear masks.

No people who have signs or symptoms of ANY illness will be allowed in the clinic. If you have made an appointment and discover that you are not feeling well on clinic day, please let us know as soon as possible. We will reschedule your appointment and invite someone from the waiting list.

If you are sick with COVID-19 you may not attend the clinic until at least 5 days after symptoms develop or at least 5 days after you have a positive COVID-19 test. Day 0 is the first day of symptoms or the day of the first positive test. Day 6 would be the first day on which you would potentially be eligible to attend clinic. You must also test negative for COVID-19 for two days in a row at least 24 hours apart to be admitted to clinic after an infection.

We are absolutely diligent about hand-washing and other infection prevention procedures such as always wearing masks. We have hand sanitizer and soap and water in the clinic. We encourage you to use them. We sanitize chairs, sheets, towels, pillow cases, massage tables and other things that come into contact with people after each use.

The treatments take place in a 1,000 square foot room with 12 foot ceilings, openable windows and skylights and a medical-grade HEPA air filtration system rated for more than twice the actual size of the room. Participants are socially distanced.

Revised April 24, 2024

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